These are two of the prettiest little girls I have ever seen, or worked with. They are funny and precious in their own different ways. I enjoyed my time with them today. Enjoy this little glimpse!
I have been trying to take this sweet boy's two year old portraits for nearly two months. Let's just say the weather has not been very good to us. But, the plentiful sunshine today made up for all the delay. Thanks for your patience, and enjoy your sneak peek!
What fun we had in the snow today! We made a snowman who ended up a little leafy, went sledding down a hill, and made popcorn over the fire in the living room. Memories...
While I am painfully aware that it is very much still winter, I thought I'd start thinking of warmer days by sending out this sunny postcard for senior sessions. When the weather warms up I've got lots of cool places set up for these creative shoots. Call me today to reserve your spot.